Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things to do with free gadgets...

So you're servicing your car, minding your own business, and you happen to encounter a GPS tracker that wasn't there before.

Thanks, fellas! Hey, I'm a guy. I love gadgets.

Here are some suggestions for what to do with it:
1) Remove and destroy

2) Leave it alone, and drive only where you want the authorities to know you’re going

3) Remove and place in garbage

4) Remove and place on random civilian vehicle

5) Remove and place on long-haul freight truck

6) Remove and mail to Hong Kong

7) Remove and mail to cops

8 ) Remove and send to FBI via strip-o-gram

9) Remove and sell on ebay

10) Remove, disassemble and use as part of an autonomous aircraft guidance system. post videos to Youtube, be sure to thank authorities for the free donation of the electronics that made it all possible

11) Remove and place on police car (slightly risky)

12) Remove and attach to helium-filled weather balloon

13) Remove and attach to sewer rat

14) Remove and “clone” so that there are, say, fifty of you running around
Personally I think #4 is kinda cold. The sewer rat thing totally wouldn't work, but the chuckle factor on the helium balloon would be awesome. I might take it completely apart, glue each component to black velvet, and mount it in a shadowbox on my wall. Enemies like this are a badge of honor, and I'd want the trophy.

Any other suggestions?


The Grey Lady said...

Just how big are these things?

If small, remove and disble, wait for it to be replaced, remove and disable that one. Make a matching pair of dangly earrings sell on ebay.

CorbinKale said...

Leave it on there. It would be great to have that as evidence to back up my alibi that I was at home that night. :)

Anonymous said...

Assuming it could run for some time on say, 8 "aa"s wired in series(I take it the gizmo would tap into the car's 12 volt electrical system)-place it and batteries in a waterproof container and send it on its way down the river(or ocean. Or storm sewer. Or sewery sewer). Leave it on a city bus(or any city vehicle).Not necessarily a city near you.
Not a weather balloon but one of the edge-of-space jobs amateur radio operators use at times(the ones that go to 100,000+ feet. I take it GPS also gives altitude?).
I would not put it on any private vehicle,car, semi or otherwise.
Buy a cheap solar panel(the little "solar adapter" or 12 volt trickle carger jobs). Tape it to the top of a bus, or some only works when the sun hits it..there could be a lot of (risky) fun to be had with one..

Anonymous said...

I like #11 best. It would be like a dog chasing it's tail.