Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I simply can't express...

...The myriad reasons and ways in which this is a bad idea...

Weer'd World has a veritable cavalcade of Mall Ninja videos including my personal fave, Mr. Elite Fighting Team Guy. It's all guaranteed to rot your brain right down to your toes, and make you think maybe some parents should be a bit more discerning as to who they let live in their basements.

The thing I find scary and embarrassing about exhibitions like this is that I once dreamed I was of being Mr. HSLD without the inconvenience of undergoing the necessary training, which would only have pointed out for all the world to see that - physically, mentally, morally and emotionally - I'm incapable of ever becoming any such thing. It was just a boy-dream. Fortunately, back then there was no YouTube on which to humiliate myself for all time and I eventually grew out of it.

But I did love my useless gadgets and imaginary tactics.


CorbinKale said...

I think we all go through that phase. I was once going to work my way through all the Army badass schools, SF through Delta, then who knows what super secret badass opportunities lay beyond?

I went to Air Assault, then Airborne, but once in an Airborne Infantry line unit for a few years, I had an opportunity to go to Ranger school. I declined. :) I had discovered the real world limits to how badass I wanted to be. In short, I had enjoyed all I could stand. LOL

Reality... what a bummer.

Kevin Wilmeth said...

I couldn't resist.

Words fail me.

I would have loved to see what Jeff Cooper would have said about this.

Anonymous said...

Priceless! He doesn't seem to have a problem with pointing a gun at himself. If he keeps it up we'll eventually see an article about his tragic demise from a self inflicted gunshot wound. Hopefully he'll do it before he breeds.

wrm said...

Erm... looks like airsoft to me...

Joel said...

I believe it is airsoft. Still a very bad idea.