Folks, as you may know or have guessed, I've been on a satellite link that I only partially pay for. Landlady has been subsidizing it for as long as it's been up, and of course when Claire was here she paid (at least) her share. But Claire's gone, it does Landlady no earthly good, she can no longer pick up the expense, and I can't pay the whole thing. As of Monday I'm likely to lose my connection, and that'll be that for a while. There won't be another connection until sometime after winter, probably quite a while after.
This isn't a bleg. To ask people to make sustained contributions for a little 200-hit-a-day hobby blog would be absurd, and I'm not doing it. I'll continue to explore options in the time I have, but the best that can be realistically hoped for is a part-time connection through neighbors which would be an enormous hassle for everybody and certainly cut down on posts.
Sorry about that, I'm working on it, but that's the way it is.
Dad Joke CCCL
13 hours ago
One possibility is the Netbook-and-Dairy-Queen method(or anyone else who has free wifi)-if you're relatively close to town..
In any case...
Good luck.
Well, that's just terrible! How much would it cost a month? 200 of us should be able to come up with enough easily.
At worst, if you can send me your rants once a week, I could publish them at The Price of Liberty!
Write to me! mamaliberty - at -
Thanks for some mighty fine writing, gonna miss that 'What are you doing down here' picture, lol. Been very entertaining, I appreciate the effort it takes to keep writing them.
Good luck with your future ventures, feed them potlickers (dogs) well. :^)
Email comming your way....
Drat! I just found you recently... Oh well. Maybe hit the library and post something once in a while?
Darn it. I have really enjoyed reading your posts. You have been a part of my day....a part I've looked forward to seeing.
Darn excellent writing...I'd be happy to help pay for the connection....its worth quite a bit to me. But I know you don't want to solicit contributions and I respect that.
I guess this means your email/netly connection goes away, too.
That totally sucks.
I think you have my email..
Gonna Miss ya dude....
a lot.
email sent.
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