Thursday, November 4, 2010

See, this is why I live in the desert.

Landmines.  I need more landmines.  And claymores.  With automatic sensors to detect the sound of "I'm from the government, and I'm here to..."  BANG!


Kevin Wilmeth said...

"See, this is why I live in the desert."

Some day, they'll get that. And you'll know when it happens by the wording of their new charge du jour: Willful Evasion Of Social Progress.

At that point, best just shift into Condition Red.

CorbinKale said...

Next, they'll remove all the tables and chairs, replacing them with treadmill/tabletop combos. Eat healthy! lol

The Grey Lady said...

Heh...we have a Mission in the city where volunteers ride bikes to generate electricity so the homeless can have a carbon footprint free meal. Of course all the volunteers are suits and students alleviating their gnawing guilt, the homeless must shake their heads at the utter meaningless of the society they have opted out of.