Shite. I can't keep the politicians straight without a scorecard. I expected some GOP pols to try eviscerating Obama over Libya, as if they've got room to talk. So I turn on the news and who do I hear? A democrat? Aren't they supposed to be on the Big O's side? And he bases his complaint on the constitution? Last I heard, that ol' piece of paper wasn't relevant to either party any more, and certainly not to democrats.
My goodness that's a sour-faced old parasite. It's all very well that he starts his bloviation by throwing O's words back in his face, not that this would be the first time - or the tenth time - Obama has forgotten some campaign promise.
"If we don't abide by our constitution, everything falls apart here." Is this guy new in congress? Because it seems as though I've heard his name before, but since when did a congressvermin care about the constitution? Did he just find it under a filing cabinet or something?
Is this the same kucinich who cared so much about the constitution a few years ago that he wanted to establish a Department of Peace and Non Violence and ban handguns?
Precious Memeries...
49 minutes ago
Their hypocricy knows no bounds. They only cite the Constitution when it suits their needs, and I suspect they have their fingers crossed behind their backs when they do. Meanwhile, I hear tell that the CONgressional bathrooms have constitution TP in the stalls...
The very same, and in my district too. Sad.
kuchinich says, "I love the constitution" Too bad there is no icon for sarcastic laughter. He is a lying insane old parasite.
Not that the piece of paper is worth anything.
Yep Mr K is a 3P* plain and simple.
And he is not alone up there in The People's House. [ yuck, yuck, chortle, snicker, snicker}
Sigh ....
They have to know how ridiculous they look to a fair percentage of the populous don't they ?
Oh wait these are Federal congresscritters ... never mind.
* 3P = Professional Political Parasite
Stay Safe,
"I expected some GOP pols to try eviscerating Obama over Libya, as if they've got room to talk."
Hey, even Chimpy McHitlerburton took the time to get Congressional authorization...
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