Saturday, April 30, 2011

Carl Bussjaeger's got a new blog!

With free books! Check it out.


Carl Bussjaeger said...

Hey, Joel! Remember that "situational awareness" thing you mention in another post? Well...

Those free books have been available at my site for months. [grin] I put 'em up back when I was fighting with the Benners over their publication of my work without paying me (I finally got control of the paperbacks, but the Benners are still selling the Kindle and Smashwords ebooks without permission, despite DMCA takedown notices).

The blog however has only been up for a couple of weeks.

Joel said...

Take this dagger from out my breast! Here I plug your new blog and you gig me for not plugging your website? I'm hurt! Hurt, I tell you!

Honestly, there may be tears.

Carl Bussjaeger said...

Hey, you mentioned the freebies. While there are links to them at the blog, the books are hosted right where they always were: at my website. [grin]