Yeah, got a call last night from GC Guy, who got 300 meters and wanted to build some geiger counters. So I made some money today and will probably do so Monday through Wednesday as well. Landlady's due in this evening, and that usually has some impact on how the weekend goes. Yesterday Gulchendiggensmoothen and I loaded a whole bunch of cinders from a pile somebody left at an old build site and I got permission to scoop'em up. So that saved me some pebble-sifting, though I still need to wash out all the sand I hauled along with them. Where else can you go for all the latest news on improvised septic systems? Yeah, we know how to live.
Today in History...
26 seconds ago
But Blogger did erase a couple of your most recent VIPs (Very Important Posts) -- and I for one miss them.
Even septic systems become interesting the way you write about them.
I have been taking Very Detailed Notes on this sanitation system and will be completely disoriented if there is a GAP in the reportage due to blogger doing whatever it is doing. {which is what exactly I wonder}
I posted this on an earlier post [RE:TAM and the idjits with a death wish] and wanted to bring it up again lest blogspot gets any ideas from Blogger.
I am a little concerned about this ...
[from over at VFTP]
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Blogger Tam said...
Thanks for the legal advice.
You're right. 1984 has come to Broad Ripple, and so this is the end of VFTP.
See ya.
8:24 PM, May 13, 2011
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Any idea if this is really Bye! ?
Is there any cause for concern at TUAK ? [notice the first line above ...]
Stay Safe,
May 14, 2011 10:17 PM
Everything's cool here, don't know what's up with Tam. Seems like a number of bloggers who use Blogspot have decided to sit the weekend out and see how much more hassle there'll be before things settle down again.
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