I've got this stove, that's allegedly jetted for propane. It's been squirreled away in the barn for a couple of years, and before I move it to the Lair I need to plumb it for a hose and small propane bottles.
I've always known there was at least one rat's nest in there. Rats like dry, quiet, enclosed places. This was the perfect dry quiet enclosed place. Also when I moved it out of the barn I saw a suspiciously large amount of vegetable matter hanging out the back.
So I wasn't surprised when I opened the top and saw a nest, though the magnitude was impressive:
The actual oven was clear of everything but a spiderweb or two. Not enough room for a rat to get in there, I guess. But when I opened the bottom drawer...
Yeah. I almost feel bad about disturbing such splendid work. But it's mine, and they've used it long enough. Took forever to get it all cleaned out.
Today in History...
5 hours ago
I hope you wore a mask, mice carry Hanta Virus, it's in their droppings.
After cleaning with lots of soap and water (and possibly steel wool and gasoline) I strongly advise you to fire up all the burners and the oven OUTSIDE to get rid of the smell. Cleaning out the chunks is one thing, but the smell of burnt rat piss will permeate your house and not go away in a timely fashion.
Pat, I did wear gloves. Mask, though? C'mon, that's just for (cough) (cough) Excuse me.
Kel, you can bet I'm gonna scrub the hell out of the burners before lighting, and I'll certainly fire the whole thing up outside because that's the best way to work the bugs out of the plumbing. Propane leaks, me no like. If there's a smell, I'll work it out before installation.
Ugh, rats... They climb up into the air intakes of my trucks at work and chew on the air filters. They crap all over any place they can get into. And they don't even have the courtesy to eat the cockroaches that do much the same. There are a couple questions I have for God if I ever get to meet Him...
Baking soda.
Will neutralize the acid in the rat piss and speed up the cleaning process.
It won't hurt the stove either.
stay safe,
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