This is very, very creepy. It's beyond creepy - this thing would weird Cthulu out. I gather it's part of a Prius ad, which makes me want to find the Prius factory and burn it down before it spreads. No, fire is too iffy - stand off and nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Not only will I never buy a Prius, I will never approach one lest this...thing pop out. Seriously, this thing makes clowns look positively benign. That ain't the way I'm goin', I'm savin' the last round for myself.
Somebody seems to have started her very own meme. I somehow doubt that was her intent. Should probably look up the original quote or something, but who cares? Elizabeth Warren, whoever you are, keep the hell away from me. You creep me out.
You know what I'm afraid of? China dolls - I hate'em. My ex-wife, when she was still my wife, started a collection just to spite me. I told her they'd better stay in her room, because I was gonna hunt any that slithered out of there with a baseball bat. Probably just an overdose of horror movies when I was a kid, but I swear I do not understand why women seem to find these things attractive. Afraid of a harmless spider, but they'd actually turn their backs on one of these and not imagine it was coming for their carotid in the dead of night. Guh! After I delete the file I'm gonna reformat my hard drive. Just in case. This one is probably Elizabeth Warren come to haunt me.
UPDATE: That Godfather/Warren gag is starting to get around, and some people are crediting me. It's true I didn't credit it but that's because I lost the tag and couldn't remember where I saw it. I am not the creator. I'm not generally that creative.
Today in History...
5 hours ago
The Prius creature doesn't freak me out too much; it's pretty damned creative if you can view it objectively. The mob - meh. But -
I'm with you on the doll thing. I'd rather live with your sill-occupied rat-infested stove plus a basement full of rattlesnakes than have that creepy-ass doll anywhere near me (and I don't have a ex-wife so that can't be it).
Somebody get a stick & kill it!
I'm with you on that prius commercial, it is downright repulsive.
Love the Godfather-Elizabeth Warren quote/meme.
IMO, Elizabeth Warrne-Corleone wins the Internet for the week. Stop by the lobby on your way out for your free Internetz.
And the Prius commercial creeps both my wife and I out.
Saw the Prius commercial last night - ugh. Giant weird Smurfs? So Euro.
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