Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Things that make you go OMFG...

First, from Zincavage ...

I'm reasonably sure I don't want to know what that thing's been eating.

And this, from Kevin, the perfect fusion of luck and skill at the perfect time.

I can't drive like that, and carefully avoid situations where I might need to.


Anonymous said...

Mm. Have you considered that that crocagator or whatever it is might just be 50-feet in front of that crowd of humans?

Matt said...

I believe the Croc had a clock and pirates hand in it's stomach when it was opened. The Fish and Game department is looking for a person of interest named Hook.

Brass said...

"Shhooooooot, Elizabeff! Shoooood it!"

Brass said...

"Mm. Have you considered that that crocagator or whatever it is might just be 50-feet in front of that crowd of humans?"

Not really. Here's it's brother in the Philippines.