Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Can we bring you anything?"

I was sitting in the lair this morning, moodily watching snow swirl outside my window while even the dogs crossed their legs and refused to go outside, when my cell phone rang. A neighbor a few miles away said, "We're going to town in a little while. Can we bring you anything?" Damn nice, and timely too - I'd just been going over my staples and making a grocery list for my trip to the big town this weekend, and remembered to my horror that I was nearly out of eggs. I really appreciated their thinking of me.

So a few hours later the boys and I trekked over to the neighbors to pick up and pay for my eggs, and I got a nice shot of "told you so." The male half of this pair had built a beautiful little octagonal building for a new generator he was going to install. While I was admiring his work a couple of months ago I told him that in my (not entirely uneducated) opinion he was going to burn the machine up because this building, cute as it was, had virtually no built-in circulation. He responded by putting in these wimpy little vents, top and bottom. I said, not enough. He didn't believe me.

So the electrician comes to wire up the (large and elaborate, by local standards) generator, and tells him, "wow, this thing ain't gonna last ten hours with the ventilation you got here." And when I came over this afternoon he was cutting big holes in his delightful little building and running ducting for forced-air cooling. Hey, when the genny's running you've got lots of power for fans, so why not?

I didn't tell him I told him so.

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