Friday, December 19, 2008

A little more on freedom lit

A friend said elsewhere,

IMO, the best lib-fic book I've read is Cryptonomicon, by Neal Stephenson.

And I hadn't even thought about that one. Cryptonomicon, in case you haven't read it, is another massive tome but an absolute delight. Subversive in every syllable, amazing characters, hilarious when it isn't being horrifying. I don't normally think of this book as "freedom literature," because it doesn't read like it. You won't find a single bit of preachifying anywhere here, even though some of the dialogue gets pretty deep into the (to me) arcane realms of net design, anonymous money and of course cryptology.

Also, I was principally discussing amateur writers and first novels. Neal Stephenson is no amateur. Still, Cryptonomicon is a textbook on how freedom lit should be done.


wrm said...

Yargh. So you comment on my blog and I end up reading your blog from the ground up.

Cryptonomicon rocks. Actually, Stephenson rocks, even some of his older stuff.

Of course, Diamong Age is interesting if you're into Gibson and those guys.

The Baroque trilogy takes some reading, and his latest tome's been on the shelf for more than a year, I need to scrape the courage together to start it.

You live next to Ms Wolfe, eh? Ask her whether she doesn't think that time of which she spoke has passed :-)

Joel said...

Claire's been asked that question so often, I suspect she's grown kinda tired of it. And she's got a gun. :^}