...Our selfless public servants in the United States Congress for so heroically standing athwart the tides of mere opinion and economic chaos (which they caused, and then made so catastrophically worse) by Upholding The Law in not voting down their "automatic" $4,700 pay raises.
Yes, I can imagine how hard that must have been. It would have been simpler, easier, more "politically correct" to pass a measure freezing their salaries for one lousy year. But that's not the kind of Americans they are - no, they stood as a body and declared, loudly and courageously, "The law is the law!"
The law, from ancient and honorable tradition dating back several years, states that these pay increases are automatic - and occur immediately after the election when hopefully no one will notice. This grand tradition could have been betrayed by the passage of yet another act. But That Would Be Wrong!
Kudos, I say, to these brave men and women who, after bankrupting the nation and throwing millions of Americans out of work, still had the cojones to stand up for what's right, to take one for the team, for the nation, For The Children.
Thank you.
Enjoying Black Powder Episode 8: Mauser 71/84
2 hours ago
1 comment:
BUT .... But what of the selfless and dedicated journalists who have, Pointedly I might add, deigned to acknowledge the whole thing ?
Shouldn't they also be recognized ?
I say .... Here here {from under the tall tree limb while preparing the noose ....}
BTW I do hope I'm not intruding over here Mr Hermit Sir.
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