Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wonder why jobs are harder to come by these days?

Take some Valium and read this...
This year, [with the first provisions of ObamaCare kicking in] it’s jumping over 25 percent. I’m looking at paying over $100k for insurance for a firm with six employees. Our lowest-paid employee earns $35k a year but she just turned 60 so her insurance will cost me over $25k. We don’t get the small business tax credit Obama rattles on about because we pay our people too well; [under the tax credit] only low-paying jobs are welcome. Our premiums are high in part because several of my employees have kids, who are now graduating college and not getting jobs. We were expecting to drop from family to couple coverage for everyone over the next few years, but Obamacare extends kids coverage until they are 26. I get to pay for it.
I could go on for several pages, but what’s the point? We both know the new congress won’t repeal this mess; they’ll just tinker with it to help out the people they favor. Which is never me or people like me.
I'm glad somebody else said it.

You think the latest "republican revolution" will make Obamacare go away? Rotsa Ruck - I'll bet some Obama voters are still waiting for their free TVs and unicorns, too.

The one group you mustn't squeeze if you want to keep the wheels on is the group that provides the jobs. And that's who's getting squeezed the hardest. The rest of us are just collateral damage, not worth noticing.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but considering your gross income you fall into the category of "the rich" don'tcha know. And all the little welfare peons hate your guts and want to tax you into oblivion. Elections have consequences...

Mayberry said...

That's just the beginning. A guy I know who sells group insurance to small business told me January 1 he'll have 40% premium increases across the board. That is, from the companies still willing to write policies...

MamaLiberty said...

I'm expecting all of the auto insurance to go up significantly as well... after all, medical coverage is a big part of that.