Saturday, October 22, 2011

I really, truly, passionately want these kids to stop calling themselves "anarchists."

The Organizers vs. the Organized in Zuccotti Park
It began, as it so often does, with a drum circle. The ten-hour groove marathons weren’t sitting well with the neighborhood’s community board, the ironically situated High School of Economics and Finance that sits on the corner of Zuccotti Park, or many of the sleep-deprived protesters.
Here's a hint. If it's got a "collective," it ain't anarchy. It's just an wannabe government waiting for a strongman to come along and start the terror.

Also, if you want to beat a frickin' drum all day and night, take yourself out someplace where you won't bother the sane people. Don't assume everybody likes it as much as you. I don't shoot my rifle in your back yard, don't beat your drum in mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please - a Coffee Alert next time!

Thanks so much for the Belly Laugh!