Friday, October 7, 2011


Woke up at 4 and the cool indoor/outdoor thermometer Landlady gave me said it was 36 degrees outside. Not a lot warmer inside. Really, truly need to get the heater working in the Interim Lair, but that doesn't matter right now. Heh - there's a woodstove in the Secret Lair and that's where I'm supposed to be anyway. So my weather excuse became a weather incentive. I'm taking the laptop because it's my only source of tunes. Also I need the picture I took of the counter, so I can get the tiles set right - about a quarter of them are custom-cut and can only go in one place. Gonna lay them out on a table before I start. I've got to fire up the stove to warm it up in there anyway, because the tile mortar won't work at this temperature. Sky's still socked in, if it tries to rain it may snow instead. If it does rain it's gonna be miserable.

I may never come back. It's October 7, and already I'm reminded how much winter sucks.

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