Y'know, I've stayed away from the whole Islam thing for the past nine years. It hasn't always been easy. But the fact is I've always been of two minds on the subject, and the most prevalent of those minds is a lot less negative on the subject than your average neocon Muslim-hater.
In another life I spent time around the Persian Gulf. Most of the people I worked with preferred "Arabian Gulf." I was in Saudi, Bahrain, the UAE, Oman. A few times I wasn't entirely sure
where the hell I was. I met a LOT of Muslims, and though some of them took their religion as seriously as any Baptist (some didn't) they were also about that fanatical about it, even in Saudi, where religion is as serious as a heart attack. At no time did anybody swing a scimitar at me and say "convert or die," okay? In fact, the closest thing to a religion-related incident occurred during an otherwise very pleasant supper in a Shi'ite house where our host was going on about the wonders of
Husayn and my American partner thought he was talking about
Saddam Hussein and got all hot under the collar. This was very shortly after the first Gulf War. Having read a book before my travels, I knew a Shi'ite was about as likely to serve roast pork as have anything good to say about Saddam, but it wasn't the time to say so and fortunately my partner held his tongue until I could explain later. Husayn bought the farm almost 1500 years ago, but compared to Muslims the Irish have the memories of mayflies. Muslims can
really hold a grudge - I admire that, having a few of my own - but I never met any Muslim who was holding one against me.
Er...granted that was a long time ago. My reception might not be quite as friendly these days. But my point is, in general I've got nothing against Muslims. I'd rather they kept their fanatics under better control, but I also don't deny that there's been a lot of provocation.
Which doesn't mean I advocate sitting around while anybody picks on innocent people. Even if they're not too bright.
Remember Molly Norris? Yeah, she's the lady who - apparently without thinking things through very carefully - announced May 20 as
"Everybody Draw Mohammed Day". Now I've got nothing to say about that, if that's what you want to do it's your business and all, but she apparently did this without considering possible repercussions. Like
death and stuff.
How she failed to notice what happened the last time a cartoonist pissed off a bunch of Muslims, I truly don't know. It was in all the papers. But when reality came back from its vacation, instead of following through she bailed on the idea. It does kind of indicate a certain lack of seriousness about the whole thing, but the damage was pretty much done by then.

In June this shithead called for her to be killed, and you might say her life went downhill from there.
Well, it hasn't gone away. Today I read that Molly Norris has
gone underground "on the advice of the FBI." The Seattle Weekly, the paper she drew for, courageously issued a brief press release in which the publishers said, "Who's Molly Norris?"
I'm being driven to the belief that religious tolerance, like any other good thing, can be taken too far. This is pissing me off.
No, I won't join the "%$#@ All Muslims" crowd. But I am definitely wondering where all the
sane Muslims are, and why they're keeping so damned mum. This isn't happening in Iran, it's happening in frickin'
Seattle. If you can't take a joke there, where the hell
can you take it?

So I, Joel Simon, Editor-in Chief of TUAK, have decided to declare September 16 TUAK's "Hermits Drawing Mohammed" Day. Since I can't draw, I had to improvise.
I won't tell you where I am, but you're welcome to look. No, I don't have FBI or police protection, though I have taken consultation with the security firm of Browning, Garand and Kalashnikov. I'm not a Muslim or a Christian, I celebrate the sacrament of The Three Eshes: Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up.
So quit picking on cute, dumb city girls and come get a piece of a smelly old hermit. Mssrs. B, G & K assure the public their production will be second to none. Come one, come all.