LAS VEGAS - A group of several dozen “Occupy Las Vegas” protesters camping on Clark County land located under the final approach to Runway 19 at McCarran International Airport today narrowly missed being injured when a 50 lb. slab of “blue ice” reportedly landed within feet of their tents.Hee.
According to witnesses, the slab fell to earth seconds after Air Force One passed overhead while landing.
H/T to Tam, who asks the obvious question:
...if you soaked a field occupied by Occupiers in urine... how could you tell?
Skeptics say it couldn't happen. I say that even if it didn't, it should have. It's way too truthy. :)
Google "Boeing Bomb". So... how did they know it weighed 50 pounds?
Now JayG had the funniest observation.
Which Tam scooped right up BUT I hope she doesn't mind if I recount it here ...
JayG said "So Obama's using icy BMs on the Occupy Wall Street crowd now?"
No go ahead take your time it'll sink in eventually ...
If you can estimate the volume of 6 gallons of water, you've just estimated about 50 lbs of ice.
If it landed in a field, it didn't necessarily shatter into a thousand pieces.
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