He’s a crotchety, socially maladept hermit who lives alone by choice with dogs and a cat...Boy, you write one little book review...
Meme Dump...
1 hour ago
...Is Not a Bullet, But a Belly Laugh!
"Freedom Outlaw. It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. It’s an attitude — from which actions always follow. It’s a do-it-yourself occupation. And a lifetime vocation."
- Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Companion, 6-07-10
"Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force."
- Barbie
He’s a crotchety, socially maladept hermit who lives alone by choice with dogs and a cat...Boy, you write one little book review...
There, there... LB is waaay better looking than her...
... her what, DonkeyBuster???
And Joel, fess up. You know what you are and you're proud.
OOooo, now who's crochety?
LOL, yeah. I shoulda put a smiley on that ...
Heh heh heh... From another "socially maladept" (though not a hermit, dammit), I gotta say something for Claire for Joel: Nya Nya, Nya Nya, pffffffftttttt!!!! Us social maladepts gotta stick together : )
You can put a smiley on it, but LB is still better looking.
Hey, now. LB's a fine looking dog, but better looking than Claire? Not to me. I never get that lonely.
I may not be PROUD of being "socially maladroit," Claire, but I do admit I've relaxed to it. :)
Funny thing is, as Joel can confirm, I was around for most of LB's growing-up time and I always said he might be one of the sweetest, most mellow dogs on the planet, but he was going to be UGLY.
And he was. Really was. A lot of dogs go through a period of being lopsided (front or back lets shorter than the other end) when they're adolescents. But LB looked like he was going to turn out to be the freaking Hunchback of Notre Dame. Besides which, he looked like a combo of a Newfoundland and ... well, lord knows what sort of weird mongrel.
Now ... yeah, even I admit he's a handsome fella these days.
But now, DonkeyBuster, see what a can of worms you opened by not completing that statement! Certain posters whom I shall not name are conjuring up images that are simply not to be spoken.
FWIW, I still think my ("her") dogs are all at least as beautiful as LB. But any comparison between me and LB in any sense ... no.
Although come to think of it I was probably occasionally called a dog in my earlier years.
... front or back "lets"?
Um, that should have been "legs." Now you know why writers need editors and proofreaders.
Hey Joel, there's nothing wrong with being "socially maladept", especially with the way the society is going...
ellipses, the rabbit snare of writing...
Actually, the initial ellipses weren't meant to imply anything other than a mild drifting off of the mind... flushed a twitchy, tho'. Most amused. =0)
As all I have ever seen of you is the peak of your hat, & your hair, I only had that to compare. Wavy, glistening, jet black, frolicsome locks... on LB.
Better quit while you're ahead, DB, lest you learn that Daewoo didn't just make cars. 8^)
I have spent years honing the art of being socially maladept and I resent the implication that it's naturally come-by or easily perfected. ;p
DonkeyBuster ... Oh, you mean you were actually mocking ME. Well, that's okay, then.
I thought you were disparaging something much more important -- my dogs.
Anonymous and Craig -- I salute you for perfecting your Art. :-)
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