Today in History...
2 hours ago
...Is Not a Bullet, But a Belly Laugh!
"Freedom Outlaw. It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. It’s an attitude — from which actions always follow. It’s a do-it-yourself occupation. And a lifetime vocation."
- Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Companion, 6-07-10
"Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force."
- Barbie
This year, for the first time, the United States will honor September 11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. Eight years ago, the tragic events of that Tuesday morning inspired Americans to come together in a remarkable spirit of unity and compassion. In that same spirit, we call on all Americans to join in service on September 11 and honor the heroes of that dark day as well as the brave men and women in uniform who continue to protect our country at home and abroad.The document goes on for four paragraphs in total, and never once defines what the Prez and his Mrs. mean by "service." However, they do suggest the following:
We encourage you to visit and find a volunteer opportunity in your neighborhood or download tools to create your own project with family and friends.Well! Being a patriotic red-blooded etc., - and seeing as I'm inside housesitting a sick dog and have nothing better to do - I rushed my patriotic ass right over to the website in question!
This year we commemorate the first September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. The tragic events of September 11, 2001 inspired Americans to come together in a remarkable spirit of unity and compassion. It was a stark reminder that our fate as individuals is inherently tied to the fate of our nation. Eight years later, September 11 continues to evoke strong emotion and is an homage to sacrifice and a call to action.
In April, President Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act which, for the first time, officially recognizes September 11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. This year, on September 11, the President, the Corporation for National and Community Service, MyGoodDeed and the 9/11 families will ask all Americans to remember that Tuesday eight years ago and recommit to service in their communities throughout the year. We encourage you to continue to promote service by commemorating this milestone through the United We Serve initiative.
What can you do?Hm. Y'know, this isn't a lot of help. I have learned that the United States Government could use a good copy writer, but I'm not volunteering for that. I do have my pride, and there are some jobs I just won't take.
* Find an opportunity to serve
* Stay connected and spread the word
The US Department of Commerce is answering the President's call to service through an all-volunteer "Green Team" at our headquarters building in Washington, DC.WTF does any of this feel-good, taxpayer-sponsored bullshit have to do with 9/11? Or with anything else? I am now not only perplexed, I'm getting really bent out of shape. I wish those 134 "volunteers with representatives" had stayed home that day.
The Team is comprised 134 volunteers with representatives from the Office of the Secretary and all seven Operating Units located at, or nearby, the Herbert C. Hoover Building (HCHB).
The purpose of the HCHB Green Team is to promote energy awareness and environmental stewardship throughout the Department of Commerce through efforts in the HCHB.
Recently the Green Team held a cell phone drive to benefit Doorways for Women and Families, a non-profit organization that strives to end homelessness and family violence by offering safe shelter and housing to women and children.
Additionally, the Green Team participated in the Department of Commerce's Annual Earth Day Fair, assisting with distributing information, handing out plants and Earth-themed items, and organizing environmental activities for children.
In 2005, the Pierre School District found a need to begin a student health profile on each high school student. The task of screening their 900 students for health risks seemed daunting. As they often do, RSVP volunteers from Central South Dakota RSVP came to the rescue.Well, okay, but setting aside the collectivist nature of the event, ("the Pierre School District found a need to begin a student health profile on each high school student?" Why?) it's been going on for four years. The "Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act" didn't start it, or have anything to do with it. I know I say this a lot when discussing the government, but...WTF?
Over the last 4 years, nearly 30 volunteers have helped with this important student health event. Retired nurse Ann H. looks forward to picking up her blood pressure cuff again as she faithfully volunteers for the event since it began. “I enjoy being able to meet the children, being introduced to friends of my grandchildren”, remarked Ann when asked why she keeps coming back to this event.
“This is a popular event, we never are short of volunteers who want to help contribute to the long term health of area youth”, says RSVP Director, Katie Nagle. Under the supervision of the school nurse, the volunteers record height, weight, blood pressure and help with registration during the four day long screening process.
“It’s a good feeling to use my skills to volunteer and help the school. I hope I get to do it again next year,” say Ann.
Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, told investigators that he gave the pop star a series of drugs starting with Valium and then Lorazepam, followed by a sedative - all so Jackson would be able to sleep. The drugs didn't work.Actually they seem to have worked just fine.
Tax deadbeats are finding someone actually reads their MySpace and Facebook postings: the taxman.
State revenue agents have begun nabbing scofflaws by mining information posted on social-networking Web sites, from relocation announcements to professional profiles to financial boasts.
In Minnesota, authorities were able to levy back taxes on the wages of a long-sought tax evader after he announced on MySpace that he would be returning to his home town to work as a real-estate broker and gave his employer's name. The state collected several thousand dollars, the full amount due.
The IRS might be looking at your Facebook profile.
Meanwhile, agents in Nebraska collected $2,000 from a deejay after he advertised on his MySpace page that he would be working at a big public party. (SNIP)
If there really is a just and loving God, Mary Jo Kopechne just got issued a ball gag, a blowtorch, a pair of pliers, and a day pass to Hell.- Marko
Schools Need Teachers Like Me. I Just Can't Stay.I mean if she can't stay, then maybe schools don't need teachers like her so much as some other kind of teachers. Or if schools really do need etc., then maybe she should re-think leaving. I dunno. But I've a feeling that, no matter the possible negative interpretations, self-aggrandizement is about to ensue.
I just couldn't take it anymore, I explain. I describe what it was like to teach students such as Shawna, a 10th-grader who could barely read and had resolved that the best way to deal with me was to curse me out under her breath. I describe spending weeks revising a curriculum proposal with my fellow teachers, only to find out that the administration had made a unilateral decision without looking at it. I describe how it became impossible to imagine keeping it up and still having energy for, say, a family.I can understand why she'd want to bitch about that: She probably spent a lot of time in some school of education, then found good reason to burn out after only four years. I'd be pissed - though it seems she might have taken a better look before that last step. And I'm still not sure why this is any of my business - or why the Washington Post found it printable. Then she starts bitching about her friends and neighbors:
"Why teach?" they ask.And at this point we have a bit of a falling out, Sarah and me. Due to various factors, I graduated public school in the twelfth institution I ever attended. I met a helluva lot of school teachers. And I'm sorry - though I remember a few fondly, by far the majority were forgettable, second-rate people, perfectly suited to the second-rate profession in which they found themselves stuck. In fact, so many were so interchangeably alike that I've long thought the profession - or possibly the identically-specialized schools where they matriculate before being inflicted on kids, self-selects for mediocrity. Hell, Sarah - maybe you bailed after four years because you're too smart to fit in. Maybe your apparent failure is really an achievement.
Do my lawyer and consultant friends find themselves having to explain why they chose their professions? I doubt it. Everyone seems to know why they do what they do. When people ask me about teaching, however, what they really seem to mean is that it's unfathomable that anyone with real talent would want to stay in the classroom for long. Teaching is an admirable and, well, necessary profession, they say, but it's not for the ambitious. "It's just so nice," was the most recent version I heard, from a businesswoman sitting next to me on a plane.
I used to think I was being oversensitive. Not so. One of my former colleagues, now a program director for Teach for America, has to defend her goal of becoming a principal: "When I tell people I want to do it, they're like, 'Really? You really still want to do that?' " Another friend describes her struggle to make peace with the fact that a portion of the American public sees teaching as a second-rate profession. "I want to be able to do big things and be recognized for them," she says. "In the world we live in, teaching doesn't cut it."
I often feel the same way. Teaching is a grueling job, and without the kind of social recognition that accompanies professions such as medicine and law, it is even harder for ambitious young people like me to stick with it.Yeah. Um...Sarah? At some point in their development, most people really do stop caring, or at least talking, about the supposed characteristics of 'their generation' because generation to generation most groups of people are really pretty much alike. What matters are the individual differences, and you might want to start working on yours. I don't know who these fellows Neil Howe and William Strauss are. I'm sure they're very smart, having written a book and all. But they're still full of shit, at least in the snippets you quoted. In any generation, some members will be "engaged," "upbeat" and "achievement-oriented," and other won't. Making such statements about a generation as a whole is a sure sign of having achieved maximum fecal capacity. There is No Such Thing as a "hero generation." Moreover, to put it mildly, the fact that President Obama said something doesn't make it significant, or even true. In fact, often the opposite is indicated.
In their book "Millennials Rising: the Next Great Generation," sociologists Neil Howe and William Strauss characterize the members of my generation as "engaged," "upbeat" and "achievement-oriented." This is why we become teachers. We seek to challenge ourselves, and we excel at pursuing our goals. Howe and Strauss go so far as to call us a "hero generation." Our engagement also explains why we are leaving the classroom. We are not used to feeling consistently defeated and systemically undervalued.
President Obama also casts himself as a believer in people my age. "They have become a generation of activists possessed with that most American of ideas -- that people who love their country can change it," he proclaimed in April.
The president is right: My generation does seem to care a lot about Important Stuff. We put our lives on hold to canvass for the causes we believe in. We volunteer like our hair is on fire. When it comes to teaching, however, this fire only burns for so long.
Sometimes our rulers require no snarky comments on my part.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) -- A law taking effect this week could make criminals out of those who bring Tupperware onto many Missouri rivers.
The law was intended to reduce the floating debris from abandoned foam coolers in the state's waterways. But lawmakers, apparently a little rusty with chemistry, barred the wrong plastic.
The white foam coolers commonly called "Styrofoam" are made from expanded polystyrene. But the law bars polypropylene. That's a plastic found in things like dishwasher-safe plastic containers but not usually used to ferry drinks down a river.
The mix up means river floaters can use foam coolers without fear. But someone caught with a dishwasher-safe plastic container could risk up to a year in jail.
Mr. Frommer: Thank you! THANK YOU!! T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U-!!!!!When, indeed?
Finally, a voice of sanity in this gun-loving nation! Some people want to arm college students! How about people riding public transportation? Or people shopping at the local mall? (After all, we had an armed deranged person shoot and kill three people at a local mall and exercise club just this past week.) Should I feel safer if I take my gun to the supermarket? The movie theater? The bookstore? My next airplane trip?
This is not political -- this is common sense! When will the insanity stop? How many people will need to have died? How many people can we fit into our jails?
Did you hear the one about the car dealer in Kansas who was giving away an AK-47 with each new truck purchase?
No one should be allowed to carry a gun, openly or concealed, unless he or she is a member of a police force. When will we grow up?
Some people want to arm college students! How about people riding public transportation? Or people shopping at the local mall? (After all, we had an armed deranged person shoot and kill three people at a local mall and exercise club just this past week.)Yes, and they died like helpless sheep, little miss. Where were their defenders? Where were these 'police' in whom you put so much trust? Why were their own hands empty? Do you truly believe that if the sane ones disavow all knowledge of weapons and violence, the deranged ones will just stay home from now on?
For myself, without yet suggesting that others follow me in an open boycott, I will not personally travel in a state where civilians carry loaded weapons onto the sidewalks and as a means of political protest. I not only believe such practices are a threat to the future of our democracy, but I am firmly convinced that they would also endanger my own personal safety there. And therefore I will cancel any plans to vacation or otherwise visit in Arizona until I learn more. And I will begin thinking about whether tourists should safeguard themselves by avoiding stays in Arizona.Hm! Sounds like a nice place. Few times I've been there it's been too damned hot, though; at least down in the valley. And the Lair is shaping up, so I'll stay where I am. But I've met some fine folks from Arizona; much of it is probably a great place to live. Plus you can be sure of not meeting this prissy little stiff there, and that's gotta be a plus.
According to the Phoenix, Arizona, police, people with guns including assault rifles do not need permits in Arizona, but can simply carry such weapons with them, openly and brazenly, when they gather to protest a speaker at a public event. The police also acknowledge that about a dozen people carrying guns, including one with an AR-15 assault rifle, milled about outside the event at which President Obama spoke.
But NASCAR is about a lot more than just racing cars. It's as much about what you give back off the track as you give on the track. It's about what you're doing to protect our environment and help America become energy independent -- using solar energy, and working to offset carbon emissions, and even hiring a director of green innovation to take your commitment to the next level.That's weird: I've had it wrong all this time. I thought NASCAR was about drinking beer and watching self-involved guys go really fast in hot cars. Now, if Barry O. had said it's about turning left at every opportunity, well, then I could understand.
I admit it: I don't like cops. I like the idea of cops. The specific people who actually are cops are the problem. My theory is that cops should be drafted, not recruited. After all, the kind of person who would want to become a police officer is precisely the kind of person who should not be allowed to work as one. But I didn't start out harboring this prejudice. It resulted from dozens of unpleasant interactions with law enforcement.I disagree with the statement in the second sentence: I hate the idea of cops. I think that cops are the worst invention of western society. The very presence of cops gives the powers that be the excuse to say things like 'it is not only unnecessary for you to be empowered to defend yourself, but in the name of social order it is actually forbidden.' That is immoral, and terribly damaging. Adult men and women have been collectively de-clawed, leaving them utterly at the mercy of both legal and extra-legal predators, and it has not worked out well for them. The fourth sentence, that cops should be drafted rather than recruited: I see where he's going with it but strongly disagree. Conscription is no different than chattel slavery, and it shouldn't even happen to cops. I've got no problem with anything else there.
Race has long been a classic predictor of attitudes toward the police. But high-profile cases of police brutality, coupled with over-the-top security measures taken since 9/11 that targeted whites as well as blacks, have helped bring the races together in their contempt for the police. In 1969, the Harris poll found that only 19 percent of whites thought cops discriminated against African-Americans. Now 54 percent of whites think so.This may be, and if so it's the one positive thing to come from the police-state laws that have advanced so appallingly since 9/11. The most important myth that needs to be busted in this society is that the cop is your friend. The cop is not your friend, any more than the sheepdog is friend to the sheep. The sheepdog works for nobody but the shepherd, who is most certainly no friend to the sheep.
Among others, Dan owned a Belgian FN/FAL assault rifle, an early 1960's Portuguese contract version of the Armalite AR-10 (predecessor of the AR-15, but chambered in 7.62 mm NATO), a SSG "Scharf Shuetzen Gewehr" sniper rifle made in Austria, a Beretta Model 92SB 9 mm pistol, two Browning Hi-Power 9 mm pistols, including one with a tangent rear sight and shoulder stock, a stainless steel Smith and Wesson .357 magnum revolver, a Winchester Model 1897 twelve-gauge riotgun, a McMillan counter-sniper rifle chambered in the .50 caliber machinegun cartridge, a scoped Thompson-Center Contender single shot pistol chambered in .223 Remington, and several World War II vintage guns including a Walther P.38 pistol, an M1A1 folding stock carbine, and an M1 Garand. Eventually, with much prodding from the group, he also bought a full set of the group standard guns and spare magazines.I guess personalities are overrated anyway. And in many cases they don't matter, for several characters are set up with lengthy introductions and then vanish entirely from the plot and almost from the book.
Finally, after taking a sip of tea, Roger spoke. "Earl Grey - my favorite." Next, everyone tried to speak at once, then laughed.If only I could compress this wooden dialogue and extrude it into 2X6 forms, my worries about having enough material for the framing on The Secret Lair would be over, over, over.
After a few pleasantries and talk about the weather, they proceeded to talk business. Roger reported, "We took several votes in the course of two meetings of the Templars. We are prepared to talk terms of an alliance."
Todd beamed. "Excellent. What scope for the alliance did you have in mind?"
After a pause, Roger answered, "We want to set up a mutual aid and security pact. We would each be assigned a geographical area to patrol and secure."
Todd beamed. "That's exactly what we had in mind. However, we also wanted to clearly set our priorities for providing charity - with no strings attached - both to local residents and bands of legitimate refugees."
"Agreed," Dunlap said.
The trooper put on a stern expression. "You know, about ten years ago some uppity militia-Sovereign-Citizen type like you with custom plates that said 'Militia Chaplain' tried to smart mouth the Ohio state patrol. He was saying the same sorta things you are, and he was packing a pistol. And they settled his hash, but good. The Federal Task Force boys showed us a training video on that incident. Did you hear about that one?"I can't stand to transcribe any more, suffice that the trooper does in fact begin unjustifiably firing at our hero (inaccurately, of course) two short paragraphs later. Now, I have no love for cops. I have had encounters with cops I found very, very short of heartwarming. But never in my wildest days have I had an encounter that went anything remotely like that one, and neither have you. But things like that happen all the time in this book. Did I mention I especially enjoyed the Communist cannibals? Not just regular cannibals, you understand; those are a dime a dozen. Genuine Maoist little-red-book-carrying Communists ... who eat babies.
The trooper tightened his grip on the Glock and thumbed off the retention strap with a loud pop. "Do you want the same thing to happen to you?"
Now Matt wasn't just nervous. He was scared.
The trooper intoned with a practiced voice, "Your passenger can stay where he is. Will you please step out of the vehicle?"
"It's not a 'vehicle,' and he's not a 'passenger.' He's my guest. I'm not getting out. You don't have probable cause or even reasonable suspicion. You just want an excuse..."
"Get out, now!"
Matt obeyed the order. He was shaking. They walked in unison on either side of the van and met at the double rear doors. Matt asked, "Don't you want to see these papers?"
"No. I want you to step back to my car. I'm going to search you for weapons first!"
Hearing the urgency in the trooper's voice, the deputy jogged forward.
Matt replied, "I don't want to be violated like this!" and took a step backward.
"You friggin' sovereign-militia types are like peas in a pod. You quote two-hundred-year-old laws, and refuse to be ruled by those in authority over you. You've got no respect for legal statutory jurisdiction. The guys on the task force told me how to deal with you and your uppity attitudes. So you 'don't want to be violated.' All right, son. Then I'll just arrest you for not having a driver's license, and then I'll search you, and I'll put you in jail, and I'll impound your vehicle and its contents. How do you want to play it? You tell me."
Matt stood his ground. The trooper snorted, and said in a demanding voice, "We have three options ... Option one is I'm going to search your person to make sure you have no dangerous or deadly weapons. Odds are I'll find something on you or in your van that could be construed as deadly. Then I'll put you in jail. Option two is I can arrest you for not having a driver's license. Then I can search you and I'll put you in jail... Option three is if you continue to resist being searched, claiming your mythical 'rights' I'm going to ventilate you. Those are the options you have, son. Which would you like to exercise?" The trooper tucked his citation book under his arm and pulled the Glock from its holster.
Last year, lawmakers excoriated the CEOs of the Big Three automakers for traveling to Washington, D.C., by private jet to attend a hearing about a possible bailout of their companies.I especially liked this part, toward the end where the total reasonableness of it is being explained to the unwashed:
But apparently Congress is not philosophically averse to private air travel: At the end of July, the House approved nearly $200 million for the Air Force to buy three elite Gulfstream jets for ferrying top government officials and Members of Congress.
The Air Force had asked for one Gulfstream 550 jet (price tag: about $65 million) as part of an ongoing upgrade of its passenger air service.
But the House Appropriations Committee, at its own initiative, added to the 2010 Defense appropriations bill another $132 million for two more airplanes and specified that they be assigned to the D.C.-area units that carry Members of Congress, military brass and top government officials.
Because the Appropriations Committee viewed the additional aircraft as an expansion of an existing Defense Department program, it did not treat the money for two more planes as an earmark, and the legislation does not disclose which Member had requested the additional money.
Thompson pointed out that the cost of the plane would be peanuts compared to the cost to the nation if a top official were taken hostage or harmed taking a commercial flight to a dangerous region of the world.Yeah. Actually it could save us a bundle, if we just arranged for nobody to ask for the bastard back.
California must shrink the population of its teeming prisons by nearly 43,000 inmates over the next two years to meet constitutional standards, a panel of three federal judges ruled Tuesday, ordering the state to come up with a reduction plan by mid-September.So...why'd you lock them up in the first place?
Four years ago, nineteen-month-old Suzie Pena was shot to death by Los Angeles SWAT commandos during a 2 1/2-hour standoff with her father, Jose Raul Pena. After suffering a narcotics-related breakdown, Mr. Pena took his daughters hostage, barricaded himself in the office of his used-car dealership, and began a gun battle with the police.So Monday, after Los Angeles fought the lawsuit for four years,
At one point, Pena was holding a gun in one hand while using Suzie as a “human shield.” In his derangement he seems to have assumed that putting an infant in the line of fire would deter paramilitary police from shooting at him. He was wrong: The child was shot in the head and died, even as her anguished mother, Lorena Lopez, pleaded with the police to be careful and not to shoot the innocent baby.
Lopez filed a wrongful death lawsuit contending that the SWAT team should have used different tactics; that was the same conclusion, incidentally, reached by a panel appointed by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Police Chief William Bratton.
But under the evolving doctrine of police impunity, it is not the privilege of mere mundanes to question the tactical decisions of their betters in blue.
A judge abruptly dismissed a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the mother of a 19-month-old girl who died when her father used her as a human shield during a furious gun battle with police.City attorneys, of course, dedicated to the integrity of the justice system, were utterly shocked and horrified at the injustice of taking the decision out of the jury's hands at the last moment, and howled for Judge Treu's head on a pike.
The mother, Lorena Lopez, argued that SWAT officers should have used different tactics during the 2005 gunbattle that left her daughter, Suzie Pena, dead. The city said the officers believed the girl was in immediate danger and were trying to save her.
Granting a motion by the city on Monday, Superior Court Judge Rolf M. Treu took the case away from jurors as they were scheduled to begin hearing final arguments. Based on trial testimony, there was no way the panelists could have concluded that police officers acted unreasonably, Treu ruled.
City Atty. Carmen Trutanich, who was being interviewed by The Times when a deputy city attorney came into his office announce the news, jumped from his chair with a cheer and high-fived the lawyer. Millions of city dollars had been in jeopardy, he said.And as I recall a commentator saying at the time (paraphrased), 'Apparently the prospect that the father would kill the child was so abhorrent to the police officers that they went ahead and shot her themselves to prevent it.'
“This is a case where nobody wins except the citizens, because no one should have been sued in this case,” said Trutanich, who spent four hours personally vetting the evidence with the city's legal team before it went to trial.
“Police did everything pursuant to procedure," [said Trutanich] "they were caught in a terrible situation -- in fact one officer was shot as they were charging the door because they believed the father was going to kill the child.”
STANDISH, Mich. — To many people struggling in this job-starved part of rural Michigan, unemployment is a bigger threat than terrorists.Quite setting aside any arguments about the Guantanamo debacle ("Worst of the worst" vs. some poor innocent schmo kidnapped and sold to vengeful Americans, give'em a trial to appease the squeamish but then lock'em up forever anyway, etc), it was the irony of the thing - not to mention the sheer, horrid hardcore mercenary viciousness of these lovely Christian whitebread ... Oh, no adjective is sufficiently monitor-melting to describe my attitude toward these people.
With unemployment at more than 17 percent, many residents say they would welcome detainees from Guantanamo Bay in order to save the 280 jobs at a prison scheduled to close because of state budget cuts.
"We'll take the most dangerous prisoners the world has to offer if we have to," corrections officer Paul Piche said Monday.
The reaction was far more positive in Michigan, where signs outside many businesses and even a Catholic church bear the message: "Save Standish Max."
"Anything that keeps the prison open is fine with me," said Perry Pelton, owner of Wheeler's Restaurant on Main Street.
A third-generation resident of the area, 48-year-old Pelton said he lived less than 2 miles from the prison and wasn't worried about the Guantanamo inmates escaping. The facility is surrounded by a 16-foot-high double chain link fence with razor-ribbon wire. There are five gun towers, and armed guards constantly patrol the perimeter in a vehicle.
"No one's ever gotten out of there," he said. "They've got a 19-year track record since that place opened, and they'd probably have even tighter security if we get these al-Qaida people."
The prison holds about 600 inmates and is the top employer in the community about 145 miles northwest of Detroit.
The stormtrooper effect, also called stormtrooper syndrome, is an expression used to describe the cliché phenomenon in works of fiction of minor cannon fodder characters being completely ineffective in combat against characters important to the plot (protagonists). This ineffectiveness is typically visible as an inability to successfully strike the target with ranged weapons, even at close range. Though obviously unrealistic, the effect is common in many stories and movies. The stormtrooper effect is often a source of mockery by critics and fandom, but it is generally recognized as bringing a camp appeal where it occurs.
Though the origin of the expression is unknown, it refers to how the trained stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire in the three original Star Wars movies were usually unable to subdue the protagonists despite overwhelming numbers and firepower, chiefly due to their accuracy or lack thereof.
Hey, Earth to Commander Solo: How about beaming off the bridge of the USS Mom's Basement and onto the surface of planet Fresh Air? Go for a walk. Ride your bike. See if your tricorder will let you communicate with the natives. Something like that.
The 100% electronic O'Dwyer VLe "Smart Gun"O'Dwyer VLe "Smart Gun" is to incorporate biometric authorising technology that should enable it to meet new US requirements for "personalised" handguns according to a joint release from Metal Storm and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).Legislation passed last year in the State of New Jersey requires that "three years after it is determined that personalized handguns are available for retail purposes, it will be illegal for any dealer or manufacturer to sell, assign or transfer any handgun unless that handgun is a personalized handgun". The States of New York, Ohio and Tennessee as well as the US Congress, are understood to be preparing similar legislation.And why would we want such a thing?
NJIT Vice President for Research and Development Dr. Donald H. Sebastian said, "This is a technology that represents the future in handgun safety and control.Yeah. Emphasis on "control", I'm guessing. I'm not really sure what these hoplophobes think they're buying, but I'm very sure what can be made mandatory can more easily be forbidden. I'll just stick with my 1911 tech for now: It's likely to go bang when I want it to, whether or not I remembered my majick dekoder hringe or whatever they use to get this silly-ass contraption to do its thing.
"No. Dr. Lector has no interest in hypothesis. He doesn't believe in syllogism, or synthesis, or any absolute."-Hannibal, Thomas Harris
"What does he believe in?"
"Chaos. And you don't even have to believe in it. It's self-evident."