Next step: Roll on your back and use your rear claws to end the encounter.
...Is Not a Bullet, But a Belly Laugh!
"Freedom Outlaw. It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. It’s an attitude — from which actions always follow. It’s a do-it-yourself occupation. And a lifetime vocation."
- Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Companion, 6-07-10
"Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force."
- Barbie
The bill, or something like it, is an interesting proposal, and should not be dismissed out of hand. There is a great deal to be said for the proposal. Such a measure would help build character and citizenship in a whole new generation of Americans. To be an American is a privilege, and Universal National Service may be a way to bring that point home.My answer:
To be an American is an accident of birth, and does not obligate me no matter how often that lie is repeated. I owe you nothing, Bubba. You can call it hysteria - you can call it Shirley for all I care, but how is involuntary servitude NOT slavery?
I don’t think Americans can improve their lot by participating in national politics under the current rules of the national game. I think they have to change the rules. They have to end the Union and get out from under the existing Constitution, which is now entirely controlled and interpreted by the national government....and then cogently proposes a solution that I've been toying with but haven't been able to string together coherently:
Since there is no consensus for going back to the original Constitution and since it would have to be rewritten and renegotiated, which is a process of uncertain outcome and which is impractical anyway, this leaves one viable path: ending the Union and ending this Constitution.
A viable means is the withdrawal of consent by Vermonters or Texans or Alaskans or Arizonans or Californians or the citizens of any state to (sic) the U.S. government. People gain leverage and power against the national Leviathan by acting as citizens of their respective states. They need to act through their state legislatures, not as citizens of the United States.Yes, the state governments. Stop laughing. I know I'm not being ideologically pure in endorsing this, but I console myself that all the worst atrocities in human history were carried out in the name of ideological or philosophical purity. The man's got a point, and we can always strip-mine the state governments later. Hey, I'm advocating Fabian tactics here. It worked for the Socialists.
A tax revolt that works from and through the state legislatures directly undermines the Union. It directly challenges the power of Congress to tax. That’s a far stronger political platform for restructuring the United States.Divide. Conquer. But first, divide.
Outright secession is one political measure in a spectrum of possible actions by which one or more states stand up to the U.S. government. Nullification is another. Withdrawal from the banking system is another. A separate payments system at the state level is a fourth. Refusal to obey any of hundreds of U.S. directives is a fifth. The formation of alliances among states is another.
In fact, there are so many possible ways by which one or more states stand up to the Union that, given enough time and the right conditions, a breakup is all but assured. The same cannot be said of any movement that seeks to work change by confronting Americans as one large group with their national government.
Many geologists concur: "The consequences of a methane-driven oceanic eruption for marine and terrestrial life are likely to be catastrophic. Figuratively speaking, the erupting region "boils over," ejecting a large amount of methane and other gases (e.g., CO2, H2S) into the atmosphere, and flooding large areas of land. Whereas pure methane is lighter than air, methane loaded with water droplets is much heavier, and thus spreads over the land, mixing with air in the process (and losing water as rain). The air-methane mixture is explosive at methane concentrations between 5% and 15%; as such mixtures form in different locations near the ground and are ignited by lightning, explosions and conflagrations destroy most of the terrestrial life, and also produce great amounts of smoke and of carbon dioxide..." [5]So I guess there's not that much rush on Landlady's roof. And that tax time thing? Not so much of a worry.
there is no way to determine which concepts are being espoused by a simple rag on a stick. I see that flag in the background behind our Marxist president every time he gives a speech! Has it been irredeemably soiled by the likes of O and his cabal of heathens. I do not pretend to have the answer. But I do expect that someday, when my resistance switches from the mere utterances of my mouth to the acts of my hands, I will see that same flag flown by those who intend to kill me.I know I don't go on about Obama as much as would please a lot of conservatives, because I don't think Obama is the problem. Obama is only a symptom of the problem. Bush the Younger wasn't any friend of freedom, and too many conservatives defended him and turned a blind eye to his damned abuses. But I think this guy is finding his way out of the left/right false dichotomy. He's starting to get it.
In a letter to Apple CEO Steve Jobs sent today, Schumer pressed the company to reconcile the competing claims and identify the true cause of the glitch in a written explanation to customers. He also called Apple's proposed remedies so far-the company has variously told customers to not hold the device a certain way, or to buy a case for the device-"insufficient." He said a permanent fix should be provided at no additional charge to customers.Really? Ya think? Y'know, it also has the potential to undermine other things, like reputation, market share and stock value. Which is why companies that inadvertently sell defective products typically react with things like, oh, identifying the true cause of the glitch and providing a permanent fix at no additional cause to customers.
"The burden for consumers caused by this glitch, combined with the confusion over its cause and how it will be fixed, has the potential to undermine the many benefits of this innovative device.
Heh...... your broad has managed to elevate the family personal chef (Mr. Kass) to Senior Policy adviser for healthy Food Initiatives. Yup she made him your new food Czar.Er...hadn't heard about that. So I did just a little bit of Google-fu, and came up with this unfortunate news:
What ever happened to the days when the Title Czar had negative connotations? I miss those days.
WASHINGTON--Sam Kass, the Chicago native who is a White House chef who helps shape the Obama White House food initiatives, title has been upgraded to reflect his growing policy role.You're right, GL. "Czar" used to be a bad word. But technically he's not a Czar, he's a...um..."Senior Policy Advisor." On, um, Healthy Food Initiatives.
"Kass has been quietly promoted within the ranks at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and is no longer known as Mrs. Obama's Food Initiative Coordinator. About a month ago, according to a White House source, Kass' title was changed from "Food Initiative Coordinator" to Senior Policy Adviser For Healthy Food Initiatives. There has been little fanfare, and no formal announcement from the East Wing or the White House about Kass' promotion.
The new title more accurately reflects Kass' broad range of duties, as internal and external expert on all things health, kids, and food."
The East Wing told me Kass' title was changed to better reflect his role and he will not have any new duties.
Before coming to the White House, Kass was the Obama's personal chef.
Can you say BIO-Hazard? My I spit on you in the form of a “bubble” and contaminate you with various diseases? TB, hepatitis and others are easly transmitted. He warned her numerous times and she chose her own path. Just because she was a free spirit, jumping around without a care in the world, the cop has to worry about not only himself but his family. KUDOS to the cop.And of course I expected the whole commenting world to descend on this guy for his rank, authoritah-kissing stupidity. Some did. Others rose to defend! There's a big frickin' argument about it!
When stubborn inequalities still persist -- in education and health, in income and wealth -- I think those founders would urge us to increase our intensity, and to increase our discipline and our focus and keep fighting for a better future for our children and our grandchildren.It's true, and I've been saying it for decades. Stubborn inequalities do exist in a nation, in a world in which some usurp the right to rule and others are expected to obey. Stubborn inequalities exist in which some hold the power to steal wealth and others capable of creating wealth are expected to hand it over on demand. Stubborn inequalities most certainly exist when I am forced to pay the salaries of people who see it as their job to look for opportunities to do to me things I would deserve to die for doing to them - and they'd be happy to make it so. Brava, Mrs. Obama! You are right! Stubborn inequalities do indeed exist in this country and around the world.
The emotion in the country is really interesting. You hear a lot of people talk about anger. It's not anger. It's absolute fear. People are petrified about the future about everything from health care to judicial nominees. It seems their foundational confidence is shaken, economically and from an individual-rights perspective. And it's not just conservatives in Oklahoma who feel that wayHe missed a few things - like ObamaCare, and Donald Bermick, and "deeming" budgets into existence, and all the growing evidence that that crap about Obama being a socialist wasn't hyperbole after all. And he brought friends.
For the first responder it's another day on the job (at best). And when they arrive maintaining the integrity of the crime scene is not as important as making sure any threat is dealt with. The honest cop will tell you that there are more than a couple of idiots on the force that they they have to contend with. The know-it-all, the over-eager, the unprofessional lazy tool, the anti-gun, anti self-defense jerk that the rest of them hate working with.Even at the shiniest time of your life Mr. Policeman is not your friend. But after you call 911 in the wake of a successful shooting, he's your worst enemy. Say Nothing!
You may now be working with him as well.
"Of course he has a knife. He always has a knife. We all have knives. It's 1183 and we're barbarians."
- Eleanor of Aquitaine
For us to factor non-gun-related issues into our ratings would foolishly divide our unified base of support on the Second Amendment. This policy has served NRA and gun owners well over the past three-plus decades, making us the nation’s pre-eminent pro-Second Amendment advocacy group.Translation: Yes we know Harry Reid is a corrupt, scum-sucking bastard who belongs under the capitol building instead of ruling it.
We fully understand that voters must take into account a variety of issues when deciding for whom to vote. We respect that. It is our responsibility, however, to provide voters with information solely on a candidate’s position on gun-related issues so that they may factor that consideration in addition to other issues.
Admittedly, Senator Reid’s record is not perfect; few politicians’ records are. For a number of years (primarily in the 1990s) Sen. Reid had some problematic votes on our issue. But in the last five years, he has dramatically improved his record on our issue, so the NRA-PVF would be irresponsible if it did not give due consideration to those recent votes and actions. There is no doubt that, as Senate Majority Leader, Reid has supported efforts to protect Americans’ gun rights, both by voting FOR pro-gun measures AND preventing anti-gun legislation from reaching the Senate floor.
All of which leads to a very serious question for all NRA members and gun owners who oppose Sen. Reid to contemplate: who would take Reid’s place if he loses his race—and his critically important position as Senate Majority Leader? Remember, the Senate Majority Leader is the gatekeeper who decides which legislation will be considered on the Senate floor. If Sen. Reid loses, the next candidate for Majority Leader is very likely to be Chuck Schumer or Dick Durbin—two of the most anti-gun U.S. Senators in history!Because the alternative is even more vile.
Washington has created nearly every societal problem we face today. They wish to solve the problems by creating new programs and laws that will create new problems. And on it goes. Washington has created unsustainable economic climates and markets. The "blowback," or unintended consequences of their regulation, is the change they cannot control. They appear to believe that more interference will fix the blowback of their former interference.
Amidst that effort, they wish to sustain the unsustainable. Said another way, they want to re-inflate the bubbles.