Today in History...
2 hours ago
...Is Not a Bullet, But a Belly Laugh!
"Freedom Outlaw. It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. It’s an attitude — from which actions always follow. It’s a do-it-yourself occupation. And a lifetime vocation."
- Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Companion, 6-07-10
"Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force."
- Barbie
It started with gray water, then escalated to chickens, composting toilets and rain barrels. I'm talking about the two years I've spent transforming my humble California bungalow into a test case for sustainable living — an experience that's cost me hundreds of hours of my time and thousands of dollars, an endeavor that has tested the limits of not only my checkbook but also my sanity — and my DIY skills.Hm. Having gained some experience with a lot of these things myself, maybe I should write something like this for the blog. Yes?
I am establishment when it comes to guns. I support Florida's concealed-weapons law and the Stand Your Ground law. I cheered when the Supreme Court overturned the gun ban in Washington, D.C. I'll be heading for the gun range this weekend.Yeah, sure. I support laws giving me a privilege to carry a gun as long as I pay the fee, hide the gun, and act like I'm ashamed of it. Except for when I don't support those laws. Which is always. And I don't care what "Liberals" think I am.
Liberals think I'm the unholy spawn of Charlton Heston and Marion Hammer.
But this is too much.
These guys conduct open carry demonstrations, where they stand around like exhibitionists, exposing their weaponry for all to see. What would Freud think?Freud? Dude. He might, but didn't, think something like "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." But after that crack, it hardly matters what Freud thought about anything. When you get snide allusions to exhibitionists exposing themselves, you're reading something from the more bigoted side of anti-gun punditry: People who don't just think gun owners are wrong, they think (or want you to think) they're sick.
Josephs received the nickname after a video showed him telling a young female protester that she could be arrested for blowing bubbles.Way to let them sleeping dogs lie, Bubbles. Rotsa Ruck.
“If the bubble touches me, you're going to be arrested for assault," he told her. “It's a deliberate act on your behalf, I'm going to arrest you.”
The officer is suing the website over cartoons which he claims depict an officer resembling him abusing police power. Cartoons have surfaced showing a policeman arresting such people as Santa Claus and Barack Obama.
Hmm. Inflated sense of privilege. Inability to admit a mistake. Doubling down as it becomes increasingly clear he screwed up. Miller's looking more and more like a U.S. Senator by the hour.
Three men posing as agents of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives kicked their way into a home in Whistler, killed a 31-year-old man and held four others at gunpoint early Wednesday, Prichard police said.Of course as Uncle points out, the tip-off should have been the lack of dead dogs...
Hi, is this the phone company?
Yeah. Who's this?
This is the government. We need you to sort of slow down on the infrastructure enhancements.
Why is that?
See, we have a lot on our plate right now. We can't just start shoving experts and coders to keep up with you. How do you expect us to catch Bin what'shisface or McVeigh II if you guys keep moving the back door? Frankly, we're a bit of a loss as to how to listen in on your subscribers through your labyrinth of constantly changing series of tubes.
Oh, you mean you need us to cater to your incompetence.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
James Hansen, the head of one of President Barack Obama’s NASA labs, came to Canada last week to tell us not to allow a French company called Total to proceed with its Canadian oilsands project.
Even for Obama, that’s quite a foreign policy accomplishment: Interfering with two allies at once.
Maybe if all was well and you could sit down and know that your livelihood was taken care of and your children were taken care of and you had all of your health care needs covered, I could see it.
U.S. District Judge, George Streeh, of the Eastern District of Michigan ruled that Congress does have the authority to enact a key part of President Obama's healthcare law reform, requiring US citizens to obtain coverage by 2014. The day Obama signed it into law, the Thomas More Law Center had filed a lawsuit arguing that it was an unconstitutional tax outside Congress authority. The latest ruling said that under the ...Wait for it...
... Commerce Clause of the American Constitution ...THERE it is!
... a penalty could be imposed on those who did not get insurance coverage.Ah, the U.S. Constitution's Commerce Clause! Is there nothing it can't do?
Its goal is to federate, promote and inspire responsible communication on sustainability, equitable development and social responsibility. ACT shows how advertising professionals from all continents can use their core talent - creativity - to play a significant role in addressing today's crucial world issues.Personally I think ad executives seem to have lost their collective minds, right about the time they got tired of two ladies standing in a kitchen and rapturously discussing dish soap. As an example of their concern for "social issues," the above ad - which was apparently aimed at some expo in Cannes last year - makes me wish they'd go back to hawking detergent. Now with Extra Phosphates!
I am sitting in the cell phone lot at the Indy airport right now. This is simply a small lot a mile or more from the terminal where you can park whilst waiting for someone to arrive and call you.
Decent idea as it removes a significant amount of congestion from the terminal. My only question is this: given that there is - by design - nothing nearby except for a fenced employee lot, why is there are reserved handicapped spots.