Today in History...
2 hours ago
...Is Not a Bullet, But a Belly Laugh!
"Freedom Outlaw. It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. It’s an attitude — from which actions always follow. It’s a do-it-yourself occupation. And a lifetime vocation."
- Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Companion, 6-07-10
"Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force."
- Barbie
“It is prohibited for any person or group to engage in any type of First Amendment activities within the main Orange County courthouse complex grounds, unless the First Amendment activities occur within a designated Exempt Zone…”Next person who assures me about all those "constitutional guarantees," gets it. Just sayin'.
Randi Zuckerberg, Facebook’s marketing director, has a fix for cyberbullying: stop people from doing anything online without their names attached.From what I've heard of Facebook, they're doing a heckuva job.
NSA Lawyer Questioned Over Cellphone Location Tracking of Americans: Is the government using cellular data to track Americans as they move around the U.S.?
“There are certain circumstances where that authority may exist,” he said. His comments came after Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) asked him several times whether the government has the authority to “use cell site data to track the location of Americans inside the country.”No, no, no! I explained this! It's a Yes or No Question. So is it YES, or is it frickin' NO??
Although Olsen acknowledged the possibility, he also said “it is a very complicated question” and that the intelligence community is working on a memo that will provide a better answer for the committee.I'm gonna hold my breath until I see that memo. Starting...NOW!
Those are the words of someone in Condition White. ... They were not prepared for this emergency, mentally: "[t]his just can't be happening to me" announces with crystal clarity that the speaker did not really believe it could happen to him at all. They had a tool available (not the most failsafe one, certainly, but still, a tool), but apparently did not even keep it ready for emergency use! Further, they did not keep their heads when they most needed to keep their heads, but rather did the very worst thing they could have done to provoke a predator to give chase.As to the specific threat of bears, we don't see a lot of them here. But just last month, thanks to a forest fire to our south, we suddenly found ourselves up to our armpits in bear reports. And some of the bears were criminally impolite.
John Doe, as they have been forced to call him, was arrested for trespassing after he was spotted hanging around the parking garage of the Provo City offices, looking into cars. Police told him to leave three times, but he refused and was arrested July 1.Sounds like there's a good chance he's simply crazy as a loon, which would certainly help with the whole "obstinacy in the face of authority" thing. I've had trouble keeping silence when faced with inquisitive cops, because you have to look into the eyes of a man who can hurt you without consequence and defy him, which will make him angry. That's harder to do in meatspace than it is on an internet forum, and the need to do so in more serious circumstances is a frequent topic for pondering.
From that day since, he hasn't told anyone who he is, where he came from, or what he was doing in Provo.
Utah County Sheriff's Lt. Dennis Harris said they are baffled. They've told him he was arrested on minor misdemeanor charges and that if he tells them his name, he would probably be let out for time served. A judge did give him a $1,200 cash-only bail, but he hasn't come up with any cash, and it doesn't look like he's made any attempt to get the money. For now, he just sits in jail.
In other words, now that we know the alleged perpetrator is not Muslim, we know -- by definition -- that Terrorists are not responsible; conversely, when we thought Muslims were responsible, that meant -- also by definition -- that it was an act of Terrorism.
...never trust an armed man wearing the costume of a police officer.
In an unusual display of emotion, President Obama angrily responded to House Speaker John A. Boehner's abrupt withdrawal from talks on a debt ceiling increase, and summoned congressional leaders to the White House on Saturday for emergency talks to plot a new course before the Aug. 2 deadline.
Washington (CNN)–President Barack Obama said Friday evening that he has told the Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress to come to the White House on Saturday morning to "explain to me how we are going to avoid default" on the nation's debt.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New software for screening travelers at U.S. airports will do away with naked images, addressing a major public concern, the Transportation Security Administration said Wednesday.The TSA, which previously assured us its porno-scanners didn't show any details, couldn't save images and were virtually devoid of actual radioactivity - three claims which all proved lies - is now fixing the whole thing with a minor software tweak.
EL PASO- A man in West El Paso is claiming he was thrown in jail last week in retaliation for warning drivers about a nearby police checkpoint for speeding.I remember when I was young, it was considered simple driver etiquette to flash your lights at oncoming cars after having passed unscathed through a speed trap. Never got arrested for it - not that I hung around to ask the officer's opinion. In this brave new world, of course, any activity that might arouse the ire of Officer Friendly is likely to get you arrested - if not tased and beaten up. So at first I paid little attention, for any police story that doesn't involve blood, broken furniture and dead dogs is just another day in the life of a citizen.
Escobar says he was jogging back and forth at this intersection in West El Paso, giving people a heads up about a speed zone when the officer handcuffed him.
The police officer had every right to throw him in jail, it's called "Interference with public duties." And for the people that are justifying his actions- I know you think you're above the law and all, but if you would rather the police go easy and let people do whatever they want and get away with it, maybe you should go back to Mexico.
I seriously dont understand people now a days. I think all of this is money hungry and specially this man. Funny how this man is running in a residential area and if he had wittnessed a kid getting runned over, his complaint would have been that they are always speeding and there is never a police unit there to slow traffic down. Maybe him being taken to jail for that was a little to much but then again, what hes still doing right now shows how bright he is thinking his case is going somewhere
I sincerely hope that next time this stupid fool is "jogging" in his neighborhood he gets run over by one of his arrogant, above-the-law fellow Westsiders. Then he is probably going to sue the Police Department for not doing their job and protecting his lousy hide.Yeah - this isn't going to end well.
"Conn, I noticed that after Kurt Fawzi started talking about how long it would take to get to the Gamma System, you jumped right. into it and began talking up a ship. Did you think that if you got them started on that it would take their minds off Merlin?"Conn Maxwell goes off-planet to school for six years and comes back something of a leader-of-men, which in turn is something his dying little community badly needs. The very first person to notice this about him and react to it is his own father, who signs on to the conspiracy even before he really knows what the conspiracy is. He just trusts his son.
"That gang up in Fawzi's office? Nifflheim, no! They'll go on hunting Merlin till they die. But I was serious about the ship. An idea hit me. You gave it to me; you and Klein Zareff."
"Why, I didn't say a word..."
"Down on the shipping floor, before we went up. You were talking about selling arms and ammunition at a profit of two hundred sols a ton, and Klein was talking as though a bumper crop was worse than a Green Death epidemic. If we had a hypership, look what we could do. How much do you think a settler on Hoth or Malebolge or Irminsul would pay for a good rifle and a thousand rounds? How much would he pay for his life?-that's what it would come to. And do you know what a fifteen-cc liqueur glass of Poictesme, brandy sells for on Terra? One sol; Federation money. I'll admit it costs like Nifflheim to run a hypership, but look at the difference between what these tramp freighter captains pay at Storisende and what they get."
"I've been looking at it for a long time. Maybe if we had a few ships of our own, these planters would be breaking new ground instead of cutting their plantings, and maybe we'd get some money on this planet that was worth something. You have a good idea there, son. But maybe there's an angle to it you haven't thought of."
Conn puffed slowly at the cigar. Why couldn't they grow tobacco like this on Terra? Soil chemicals, he supposed; that wasn't his subject.
"You can't put this scheme over on its own merits. This gang wouldn't lift a finger to build a hypership. They've completely lost hope in everything but Merlin."
"Well, can do. I'll even convince them that Merlin's a space-station, in orbit off Koshchei. I think I could do that."
"You know what it'll cost? If you go ahead with it, I'm in it with you, make no mistake about that. But you and I will be the only two people on Poictesme who can be trusted with the truth. We'll have to lie to everybody else, with every word we speak. We'll have to lie to Flora, and we'll have to lie to your mother. Your mother most of all. She believes in absolutes. Lying is absolutely wrong, no matter whom it helps; telling the truth is absolutely right, no matter how much damage it does or how many hearts it breaks. You think this is going to be worth a price like that?"
"Don't you?" he demanded, and then pointed along the crumbling and littered Mall. "Look at that. Pretend you never saw it before and are looking at it for the first time. And then tell me whether it'll be worth it or not."
His father took the cigar from his mouth. For a moment, he sat staring silently.
"Great Ghu!" Rodney Maxwell turned. "I wonder how that sneaked up on me; I honestly never realized... Yes, Conn. This is a cause worth lying for." He looked at his watch. "We ought to be starting for Senta's, but let's take a few minutes and talk this over. How are you going to get it started?"
Reporting from Washington—I am reminded of the tale of a virtuous young woman whose "Don't! Stop!" will always become "Don't stop" before it's necessary to take heed of the discouraging plea. In the next political era, the peace-loving democrats will quibble but in the end reluctantly allow themselves to vote for invading Siam, or whatever the hell lunacy the next administration comes up with. Assuming the Dollar survives long enough for there to be a next administration, or a next invasion. Those military contract don't pay themselves, you know.
Republican leaders in the House have begun to prepare their troops for politically painful votes to raise the nation's debt limit, offering warnings and concessions to move the hard-line majority toward a compromise that would avert a federal default.
The exact same agencies that would be charged with enforcing the [anti-"gun trafficking"] proposal are currently under investigation — and may eventually face felony charges — because they broke existing laws and participated in widespread gun trafficking. To borrow from a reader, the federal government is using federal agencies to break federal laws so that same federal government can impose more federal laws on the people that did not break the law.
It is Orwellian in its absurdity, and yet entirely real.
Police say she squeezed and twisted the agent's breast with both hands.*Snicker* No, but I'll bet I can accurately guess.
There's no word why she touched the agent.
Mihamae now faces a felony count of sexual abuse.Hm. I guess she didn't 'act professionally and according to proper procedure.' That does seem to make all the difference in whether you're prosecuted or given a medal. Or maybe it's the color of your uniform?
A push for war reparations and a crisis over national debt collided in Washington D.C. on Thursday, causing the concerns of local leaders and fiscal conservatives to clash.WHO invaded Guam in WWII? Who subjected the people there to "forced labor, family separation, incarceration, execution, concentration camps and forced prostitution"? And which country spent its own people's blood to end that? And WHO'S supposed to pay reparations?
In an emotional hearing before a House Natural Resources subcommittee, Gov. Eddie Calvo said the federal government had an obligation to provide reparations, even 70 years after World War II.
Today, in the States, a pair of Harvard scholars writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association advocate stripping away the custody rights of parents of super obese children. They're for real!
"Despite the discomfort posed by state intervention, it may sometimes be necessary to protect a child," said Lindsey Murtagh, a lawyer and researcher at Harvard's School of Public Health. The study's co-author, David Ludwig, says taking away peoples' children "ideally will support not just the child but the whole family, with the goal of reuniting child and family as soon as possible." Ludwig, an obesity specialist at Harvard-affiliated Children's Hospital, said his eureka moment was when a 90-pound, 3-year-old girl entered his obesity clinic a number of years ago," reports Lindsey Tanner at the Associated Press.
A Clarksville mother allegedly lashed out at airport security agents Saturday when they attempted to pat down her teenage daughter.Don't resist authority, citizens! Your masters know what's right. Who knows where the next terrorist bomb will be hidden? It could be inside your own child, and won't you feel foolish for resisting then?
In an arrest report, police at the Nashville International Airport said Andrea Abbott refused to allow security guards to pat down her teenage daughter. Police said Abbott feared her daughter would be "touched inappropriately."
Authorities said Abbott eventually allowed the pat down but then tried to take cell phone video and started yelling when authorities asked her to stop.
Officers charged Abbot with disorderly conduct. She was transported to the Metro Jail. Her bond was set at $1,000.
SCARED OF FREEDOMPeople who fetishize the constitution won't enjoy this essay. I urge them to read it anyway - and to please at least think about it. It can't hurt you.
There are a lot of people who consider themselves freedom advocates, who, with righteous zeal and indignation, vehemently rail against the injustice, corruption and oppression "government" continually spews forth. However, many of those same people, when they hear someone suggesting life without the monstrosity called "government," will immediately go into turbo-backpedal mode, insisting that some "government" is needed, that we need to work to fix the system, and that we need a good "government," that just does good stuff, and protects us, and so on.
The situation is a lot like a battered spouse, who is given the opportunity to escape her abuser, but who insists that she can't leave, that he really loves her, that she needs him, that the relationship can be fixed. Such a response shows that, as much as the abuser is a nasty scumbag, there is also a serious problem in the mind of his victim, which enables the abuse to continue.
The reforms, which are being crafted by the Department of Justice, come after a series of meetings with relevant stakeholders in the Second Amendment debate. But in a nod to the difficulties of getting legislation through a Republican-run House of Representatives, only executive orders or administrative actions -- and not an actual bill -- are expected to be handed to Congress.I love the smell of napalm on representative republics in the morning!
During his Twitter town hall, Barack Obama wanted to let Americans know that his administration feels the nation’s economic pain just like everyone else. Why, his staff — well-paid as they are, with 21 of them making the maximum $172,200 per year — haven’t had a raise in more than two years, ever since Obama froze federal salaries in the first few months of his term:Which part of this statement will turn out to be a lie? Answer: How many parts are there?
So who’s telling the truth? Hint: it’s not the master of Hope and Change. First, not all White House salaries were frozen for two years. Obama froze salaries of White House staff making over $100K two years ago, but the across-the-board federal freeze that impacts the rest of the staff didn’t take place until January 2011. That’s how economic adviser Matthew Vogel got an 82% pay increase (of $59,000 to $130,500) in 2010. Vogel wasn’t the only one to get his income nearly doubled, but given how the economy has performed over the past two years, this particular raise seems … less than justified.Clearly, it depends on the definition of "increase."
The freeze didn’t make much difference, anyway. The staff got raises through a nifty little dodge: job title or description changes. In some cases, though, the dodge got a little more sophisticated. Michael Gottlieb quit his post of special assistant and associate counsel, only to take the job again — at a 14% increase in pay, from $114,000 to $130,500. Nearly everyone remaining at the White House has had a pay increase over the last two and a half years.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned on Tuesday that Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi is "serious" about attacking European cities in order to pressure European officials to cease their airstrikes against Libya.Hot damn! The New Hitler will attack, just about the time M's got his WWII Jeep back together. We can hit the beach in style!
"He actually means it," Graham said of Gadhafi. "Hitler meant it. He means it."
"There will never will be economic prosperity in America if the world is in the hands of evil people who will make it very difficult for us to travel and trade and do business," he said.Wait. "Evil people who make it difficult to travel and trade and do business?" Is Graham declaring war on his own government! Stop the frickin' presses!
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. government has warned domestic and international airlines that some terrorists are considering surgically implanting explosives into humans to carry out attacks, The Associated Press has learned.The U.S. government? WHO in the U.S. government? The writer apparently doesn't know.
People traveling to the U.S. from overseas may experience additional screening at airports because of the threat, according to the Transportation Security Administration.How do you "pat-down" somebody for a surgically implanted bomb? Palpate his liver - to see if it's there?
"These measures are designed to be unpredictable, so passengers should not expect to see the same activity at every international airport," TSA spokesman Nick Kimball said. "Measures may include interaction with passengers, in addition to the use of other screening methods such as pat-downs and the use of enhanced tools and technologies."
The transition to a police state will not come about with a dramatic coup d’etat, with battering rams and marauding militia. As we have experienced first-hand in recent years, it will creep in softly, one violation at a time, until suddenly you find yourself being subjected to random patdowns and security sweeps during your morning commute to work or quick trip to the shopping mall.Forget Orwell. Vin Suprynowicz is starting to look like a prophet*.
...thanks to TSA Chief John Pistole’s determination to “take the TSA to the next level,” there will soon be no place safe from the TSA’s groping searches. Only this time, the “ritualized humiliation” is being meted out by the serpentine-labeled Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) task forces, comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection canine teams. At a cost of $30 million in 2009, VIPR relies on 25 teams of agents, in addition to assistance from local law enforcement agencies as well as immigration agents. And as a sign of where things are headed, Pistole, himself a former FBI agent, wants to turn the TSA into a “national-security, counterterrorism organization, fully integrated into U.S. government efforts.” To accomplish this, Pistole has requested funding for an additional 12 teams for fiscal year 2012, bringing VIPR’s operating budget close to $110 million.
The Fourth of July is not the day the Constitution was signed or ratified.RTWT
It's not even when the Bill of Rights (and with it the legitimacy of the Constitution) was ratified.
It has nothing--nothing--to do with self-congratulatory, chest-thumping military displays.
It has nothing to do with any sort of flag.
It has nothing to do with faithfulness or loyalty to your government.
In fact, if you read the document that the Fourth actually celebrates, you find some interesting things, including:
* This is about declaring that a people are ultimately independent from, and therefore above, their government.
* This is about declaring the right to revolt against a government that has stopped representing its people.
* This is about people willing to stand up and become military targets of their own government.
These folks were revolutionaries. They were secessionists. They were seditionists. No doubt King George considered them "terrorists" and "traitors", guilty of "treason" toward the duly constituted authoritah of the time.
And we celebrate the Fourth of July today, not only because they stood up and said, "we've had enough of your abuses and are no longer subject to your rule", but then had the moxie to fight back when George called them on it.
Think about that. These people opened fire on their own government, when said government came to take away their stockpiles of unlicensed, unregistered, long-range, (better than) military-style arms. They organized and fought a guerrilla insurrection rather than continue to endure a government that did not serve, reflect or benefit them. And, perhaps to the surprise of everyone including themselves, they prevailed.