Today in History...
3 hours ago
...Is Not a Bullet, But a Belly Laugh!
"Freedom Outlaw. It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. It’s an attitude — from which actions always follow. It’s a do-it-yourself occupation. And a lifetime vocation."
- Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Companion, 6-07-10
"Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force."
- Barbie
...a proven reliable source tells me that some guns are indeed making their way south, which no one has ever disputed—after all, it’s a porous border. Here’s what I’m told:With my blessings.Frankly it's my opinion the drug cartels in Mexico are not getting their arms from the US civilian market. The arms that are going to Mexico are that of Mexican illegals going home and arming themselves in fear of the cartels and the Mexican govt. [who are sometimes one and the same]....I have that information from a well placed govt. source. Seems they got a taste of freedom here and "export" it back home with them.
It’s a 100-year old design. It needs tools to disassemble. It has unreliable magazines. It is finicky about ammo. And, as a single-action pistol, it is unsafe for 95% of its users to carry.Since this is my blog, here I go with my retort. It's an excellent 100-year-old design. The tool thing is true, but so what? If your magazines are unreliable, you should get better ones because mine work fine. I don't get the unsafe-to-carry thing at all.
Why does a reliable 1911 cost so much, and need so much gunsmithing?
So long 100-watt incandescent light bulbs -- California is ordering them off store shelves starting Jan. 1 in an energy-saving move.Uncle points out that in the process, possibly as an unintended consequence, California has managed to outlaw the Easy Bake Oven.
For now at the Home Depot in Redding, Calif., the bright orange shelves carry a wide selection of light bulbs. Compact fluorescent (CFL), halogen and light-emitting diode (LED) light bulbs -- the energy-efficient choices -- dominate the aisle, but some incandescent light bulbs still linger.
On Jan. 1, the 100-watt incandescent light bulb will start to be phased out in California. By the beginning of 2012, they will be gone from store shelves.
Washington, D.C. - The House gave final congressional approval Tuesday to a sweeping overhaul of the way that the Food and Drug Administration regulates most of the nation's food supply.Oh, but that's okay. It's already late December, and next month
A bill that was all but given up for dead last week was approved by the Senate late Sunday and then approved by the House on Tuesday, 215-144. The legislation, which would provide the most far-reaching changes in FDA food regulation in decades, now goes to President Barack Obama for his signature.
The bill would increase inspections of farms and food companies, require processors to have plans for preventing contamination of foods, and require importers to verify the safety of products they bring into the country. The FDA, which regulates nearly all foods except for meat and poultry, also would have the power for the first time to force companies to recall tainted products. Recalls are now conducted voluntarily.
"FDA needs a modern set of authorities to deal with the effects of our increasingly globalized food supply," said Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif.
Republican critics attacked the bill for a Senate provision that exempts smaller producers from having plans for preventing contamination. "We've learned in our committee hearings that foodborne pathogens don't care if you're a big facility or a small facility or a big farm or a small farm," said Rep. Joseph Pitts, R-Pa.Oh.
Should we hold that people are no longer free to govern themselves, to make their own law irrespective of any religious code?Let me guess, Andew, that the correct answer is "no." And I agree. But I would also say the answer would be no if you had ended your paragraphs with "Irrespective of any political philosophy" and "In favor of an oligarchy." Or "Irrespective of anything whatever," and just drop all the ambiguities inherent in the second para entirely. Still no. I've a feeling then we wouldn't agree.
Should we abandon the republican democracy our Constitution guarantees in favor of a theocracy?
The Islamist promise to conquer America sounds far-fetched. We are not talking, though, about raging armies or terror cells. The threat is the steady erosion of our liberties and capacity to defend ourselves. That is only too real.And you were dead right, Andrew. The problem is that you're so damned brainwashed about who's doing the eroding that you can't see what's plainly right in front of you.
California regulators Thursday voted to cap the greenhouse gas emissions of the state's major industries and establish the nation's first broad-based carbon trading program.Sheesh. Not even Pelosi is this divorced from reality. Say hello to all those refugee businesses, Nevada!
The move marks another bellwether moment for a state that has led in environmental policy, coming as national climate legislation to regulate greenhouse gases and curb climate change has stalled in Congress.
"This is an historic venture," said Mary Nichols, chairwoman of the California Air Resources Board, as the panel voted 9 to 1 to approve some 3,000 pages of regulations and supporting documents, crafted over three years of intense negotiations with businesses and public interest groups.
Given the state's fragile economy, Nichols said, "most political people said we should do as little as possible as slowly as possible." Instead, she said, "we are being cautious and careful, but in the context of a very bold effort."
Federal prosecutor Arlene Fisk says defendant Troy Davis, upset about a demotion and lost pay, admitted stealing five laptops and a Sony Playstation.Aw, izzums all upset? Diddums gets demoted?
1 Kings 20
35And a certain man of the sons of the prophets said unto his neighbour in the word of the LORD, Smite me, I pray thee. And the man refused to smite him.
36Then said he unto him, Because thou hast not obeyed the voice of the LORD, behold, as soon as thou art departed from me, a lion shall slay thee. And as soon as he was departed from him, a lion found him, and slew him.
Recent stories told of two young men gunned down for no apparent reason — simply shot dead as they sat in their cars. They were threatening no one. By all appearances, the shootings were random. Two young men paid with their lives for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.It's true, of course. We gunowners can never adequately apologize to the many, many people we mow down in the murderous rages our guns drive us to on any typical day. I always feel bad about it afterward, but in the end there's really nothing to be done. I mean, I told my neighbor's five-year-old daughter not to leave her trike in my driveway. I really did. Finally just had to let Mossberg do my talking for me, 'cause whatcha gonna do? That congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses - You ask them politely to get off your porch, and then there's just nothing left for it but to stomp down to the neighborhood Kingdom Hall with an AK and a bag'o'mags. Nothing personal. I'm sure they're very nice people, but it's just gotta happen. My gun tells me to do these things.
Thank you, Second Amendment advocates. Thank you NRA. Thank you gun show merchants who sell firearms without background checks. Thank you pawn shop owners.
Thank you for allowing the least stable among us access to guns. Thank you for arming gangs and for making so many citizens feel that their only safety lies in gun ownership.
We do not live on the frontier. Police help is available to citizens with cell phones in a matter of minutes. And if your call to the police is an overreaction, you can apologize to the police. You can never apologize to the person you’ve shot because they cut you off in traffic, or to the neighbor who comes over to check on you because he hasn’t seen you out of your house for a week, and who tries your door when you don’t answer the bell.
It's all so clear now! Madison wrote the 2A, and all those Federalist essays to defend it, because writing stuff down was the political equivalent of talking. Madison was a politician, and so no matter in what medium he expressed himself he was clearly lying! Therefore,He said historians would side with him in the case because they have concluded that Founding Father James Madison was more worried that the Constitution may not be ratified than he was about granting individuals the right to bear arms.
Madison "was worried about opponents who would think Congress would call up state militias and nationalize them. 'That can't happen,' said Madison," said Breyer, adding that historians characterize Madison's priority as, "I've got to get this document ratified."
Therefore, Madison included the Second Amendment to appease the states, Breyer said.
"If you're interested in history, and in this one history was important, then I think you do have to pay attention to the story," Breyer said. "If that was his motive historically, the dissenters were right. And I think more of the historians were with us.
That being the case, and particularly since the Founding Fathers did not foresee how modern day would change individual behavior, government bodies can impose regulations on guns, Breyer concluded.
This is the estranged wife of a one-term senator from a small state, a one-term senator whose main claim to fame in this world, other than being a philandering cad who never should have left the back cover of the phone book for a political career, was that he got stomped to a paste as a vice-presidential candidate despite running against the weakest GOP ticket since WWII that didn't have Bob Dole on it in some capacity or another.I've seen several mentions of a dead woman named Edwards in the past day or two. Didn't pay attention, and I haven't been reading a lot of news.
How much evidence should the U.S. government be obliged to show before it kills you? None, according to the Obama administration.H/T to Claire.
And how much evidence of your wrongdoing should the government be obliged to possess before officially targeting you for killing? That’s a secret, according to the president’s team. If judges force the government to answer that question, the terrorists will win.
If Obama gets away with this power-grab, the rhetoric for the 2012 race for the White House should be retuned. Instead of listening to candidates compete based on the number of new benefits they promise to lavish upon voters, prudent citizens will focus on which presidential candidate seems least likely to kill them or members or their family. We might hear campaign slogans like “Vote for Smith: he won’t have you killed unless all of his top advisers agree you deserve to die.” Unfortunately, as with other campaign promises, there will be no way for voters to compel politicians to honor their pledges.
Antonio Martinez a.k.a. Muhammad Hussain, of Baltimore, Maryland, has been arrested, Wednesday, December 8, 2010, for attempting to blow up a military recruitment center in Catonsville, Maryland, with a fake bomb supplied by federal agents.
Besides writing pagan and even evolutionary-type stories and other disgusting things including the blasphemous "Tomlinson", Rudyard Kipling, is perhaps most famous for The Jungle Book and the peom "If". He was born in India when it was a colony of the British Empire and was sent to live with an aunt in England for schooling at the tender age of 6. At 12 he went to a boarding school where there was apparently cruelty in the form of bullying from other students as well as beatings from the teachers. He later defended this abuse as necessary to the character building of future leaders of Britain. Defending the abuse of boys as a way to build character for future leaders may seem bazaar, yet when Kipling's life philosophy is examined it comes into focus clearly with the things that he stood for.It goes on at some length, interspersed with scripture passages apparently designed to show at what level of hell Kipling currently sizzles.